Tuesday, August 13, 2024

April Stamp Camp Cards


It appears that time has gotten away from me again. I haven't posted in a while, but it's not because I was being lazy.  Personally, hubby and I have had doctor appointments and other things going on at the old homestead.  Landscaping, weed pulling and many other things that seemed to take priority.  But I've been in the craft room recently trying to catch up and clear off my desk. 

Today I'm showing you some cards that were designed by a team member, Dina. She hosted our Arizona stamp camp and I always attend these online with all my team there.  It's so nice to still see them every month, although I do miss all those "girl hugs". 

Here's the cards Dina designed:

This card was made using the delightful stamp set called Bright Skies.  It also has dies that come with it if you choose. But in my opinion, this is such a cheery set you may not need the dies. 

I love Dina's color choices here. 
There are no rules when it comes to coloring images. Here, Dina opted to use either a sponge or a sponge dauber to partially color the rose image.  It does give it a different look, which is perfect!
Who would think a stamp set called Bee My Valentine could make a non-Valentine card? Dina's version is so cute. Vellum wings on the one little bee with a sweet message for the recipient.
The message is simple. "You are Loved". Who wouldn't want to receive a card like this?

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you enjoyed seeing what we made in April.  I'll have May, June and July projects for you soon.  If you are interested in any of the products used for these cards, let me know and I'll ask Dina to give me all the particulars.


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